"BEST" is the most known brand of ”YURD-F Ltd.”. The “YURD” company was founded in October 1991 and was oriented in the production of chemical products. Since 2011 the firm started operating under the name of "YURD-F" Ltd. During the crisis of Azerbaijan Republic in 1991 the enterprise was working hard to improve the economy. In the early stages the firm was engaged in the production of (cooling mixture for internal combustion engines) antifreeze.
Subsequently, changing its profile the firm started taking active part in the market of construction materials production.
The organization began its activity in this direction with the production of natural and synthetic drying oil (which had enormous demand in the paint and varnish industry).
Later, developing their product lines the company began to produce a variety of adhesives and insulating materials to cover roofs and facades of buildings.
Since 2001 the "YURD" company started producing paints under the brand name of "BEST".
While actively collaborating with the top construction material manufacturers of Turkey and Europe, "YURD" started the production of paint and varnish materials in 2001 under the name of "BEST". Without dwelling on the started the firm launched production of dry fillers.
Developing its economic relations with its foreign partners the firm became the official distributor of top construction material producers of Europe such as: "STERN “, “VERTIKAL”, “YILDIRIM FIRÇA”.
In 2012 the firm was honored with quality certificate ISO 9001:2008. Our company is always at your service with its quality products.
The Main Principles and Goals Of The Organization:
• Research and implementation of new technologies in chemical production;
• Constant improvement of the production quality;
• To offer quality products on the favorable price by using qualitative raw materials and latest technology
• To improve qualification of its employees regardless their field of activity;
• To analyze and timely respond to the feedback and demand of customers;
• To develop enterprise manufacturing capabilities and reach 100% customer satisfaction;
• To produce new paint and varnish products in accordance with demand of customers;
• To actively take part in the development of the country’s economy and distribution of local products to the global market;
• To advance purposefully into the leadership in the region;
• To make the "BEST" global brand.
The staff of "YURD-F» will continue to actively participate in the development of the chemical industry.
A brief tour into the history of origination of colors.
Paints take up a huge niche of our lives. At the same time we mostly don't even notice them: our car, motorbike or bicycle have the coat of paint.
Without paint our world would seem grey and that's why man was always eager to find a way to decorate a reality. In prehistoric times, the paint was obtained from colored clay and minerals grinded into powder. The richer and complicated was life the more colors are needed to capture it. Apparently, therefore, the beginning of the development of mankind is judged by the ancient paintings on the rocks.
Paints were known long before there were written reports about them. Colorful pictures on the walls of cave dwellings still remain in relatively good condition.
Cave inhabitants would draw what they were surrounded with: running animals and hunters with spears. The first samples ever known to mankind were painted about 250.000 years ago and found in the caves of France, Azerbaijan and Spain.
Rock paintings in Lascaux (France), Azikh (Azerbaijan). Paleontological site inside Azikh cave was discovered in 1960 by Azerbaijani archeologist - Mamedali Huseynov. During the research the lower jaw of pre-Neanderthal- "Azikhantrop" was found in Azikh cave. It was an outstanding scientific discovery, as in the history of archeology such finding was the fifth in a row. It has a very strong resemblance to paleo-anthropological Totavel findings in the south of France. The natural mix of minerals called ochre (Greek - "yellow") was used as paint. The ancient artists produced paint, using readily available natural materials: earth pigments, charcoal, berry juice, fat, blood and many more. Oxides and hydroxides of iron would add reddish or yellowish color to the paint. Dark shades of paint were made by adding black charcoal to the ochre. Primitive artists kneaded the paint on animal fat so it held up better on the stone. Dyeing obtained this way remained wet and sticky for a long time as animal fat is not drying easily in the air forming a solid film, as modern paint.
Red ocher, which in color is similar to the blood, covered the bodies of the dead before burial. Now this ancient tradition reminds us of the modern name of red iron ore - hematite (from the Greek “Haima” - "blood").
Later, the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Turks, Jews, Greeks and Romans used more complex materials in paints. Some of them, for instance paintings from the caves in Azerbaijan, Great Britain could not be deciphered and recreated even using modern electronic equipments.
The ancient Egyptians first used the paint as a protective coating against the harmful effects of water. They began to apply resin to protect their wooden boats.
In the Renaissance, every master had his own recipe of color breeding: some kneaded pigment on egg white - like Fra Angelico (1387-1455) and Piero de la Francesca (c. 1420-1492). Others preferred casein (milk protein had already been used for frescos in ancient Rome (Roman temples), in the eastern palaces (in Baghdad, Samarkand, Istanbul, Azerbaijan - Sheki Khan Palace). A Flemish Jan Van Eyck (c. 1390 -1441) put oil paint into practice. He learned to apply them in thin layers. This technique is considered as the best for transmitting space, volume and color depth.
Some paints have long remained incredibly expensive. Ultramarine blue dye had been obtained from lapis, which was exported from Azerbaijan and Afghanistan. This mineral was so expensive that artists used ultramarine only in exceptional cases, only if the customer agreed to pay for the paint beforehand.
Despite the fact that paints firstly appeared in prehistoric times, modern paint industry was created just not long ago. Less than 200 years ago there were no final paints, that's why before use ingredients had to be mixed and ink milled. However, the most forward-thinking entrepreneurs have realized the benefits of producing ready-to-use mixes. Thus paint and varnish industry was created.
50 years ago paint composition was mainly comprised of: pigment or mixture of pigments, linseed oil in one of the many then-existing forms (boiled linseed oil, polymerized linseed oil) and turpentine as diluents.
Owing to the modern technologies and brand new materials there are unlimited possibilities for the designing of interiors and facades, particularly to individualize every building (new or restored).